Why Internet Friendships are the Best for Introverts

Internet friendships are the best for introverts. For me, the thought of going out with friends puts my anxiety into overdrive. Even without actually going out…

Num Noms Snackables Dippers and Cereal Review + Giveaway

This post was in partnership with MGA Entertainment. All thoughts and opinions are our own. My daughters have such a love for small collectable toys…

How to Get Your Feet Summer Ready in the Comfort of Your Home

We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees…

The #1 Reason Your House Is a Mess

I don’t really think that you have to go to a full minimalistic lifestyle but what if you only had enough items that you could…

5 Pairs of Summer Sandals to Slip Your Feet Into

We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees…

YMCA of Greater Toronto’s Summer Day Camp Programs

This post is in partnership with the YMCA of Greater Toronto. All thoughts and opinions are 100% our own. Do yourself a favour and save…

Breville Smart Oven™ Air Review

This Breville Smart Oven™ Air review post is in partnership with Breville Canada. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own The Breville Smart Oven™ Air has taken…

RepHresh™ Pro-B™ Probiotic Feminine Supplement

This post is in partnership with RepHreshTM. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own. To fully reap the benefits of life we need to…

L.O.L Surprise! Confetti Pop, Pets, and Pearl Surprise Review

This post is in partnership with MGA Entertainment. All thoughts and opinions are 100% our own.  I was excited for a chance to review the…

10 Tips To Get Your House Clean and Keep It That Way

It finally happened, I got my house clean. It’s not spotless and there are still messes that happen all the time but cleaning it up…