Huggies® No Baby Unhugged®: Importance of the Initiative

A part of me will always feel anxious when May comes around. I can’t seem to shake the feeling even almost seven years later, I…

Mother’s Day Movie: A Great Movie To Watch

Mother’s Day is the one day where I wish it was all about me but to be honest it never is. My husband’s birthday is…

Summer Fashion from Giant Tiger: Available Now

A few weeks ago I got to enjoy a lovely evening in downtown Toronto and check out the new women’s fashion from Giant Tiger. No,…

Our Evenflo Family-Platinum SafeMax™ All-in-One Car Seat

When it comes to baby gear I am a firm believer that it can never be “too” good. I like when my gear has bells…

Diaper Genie: Disposing of Dirty Diapers the Elite Way

“What is that smell?” This question is never one that ends well  in our house. Someone either let a silent one rip or I have…

Stopping the Signs of Aging Early: Tips and Tricks

Do you know how old I am? Thirty-one! Thirty-one years I have spent on this planet and I am coming to terms with the fact…

10 Ways to Make Your Kids Teeth a Big Deal

A smile is worth a thousand words and a smile full of healthy teeth is most likely worth a million words. As someone who has…

Cleaning the Toilet: Tackling the Porcelain Throne

I may not be a domestic goddess but I do spend a fair amount of my day either cleaning or dictating my little people to…

Nutrition Facts Table: Solving the Mystery

We have been sleuthing over at our house to solve the puzzle of the Nutrition Facts table (NFt). I will be the first to admit…

Freshly Picked Moccs: 5 Reasons You Should Buy

Each year though the kids are treated to new outfits and shoes to bring in the new year and we have been getting our little…