Costco: 10 Must-Have Things You Should Be Buying


Long, long ago there was a place called Price Club and I was a fan. Something about the free samples had me begging my parents to take me often. Now we have Costco.

Fast forward until a few years ago and I asked my husband to take me to Price Club because we finally got out of the downtown core and there was one fairly close to our home. He had no idea what I was talking about but we navigated to the area only to find that Price Club had become Costco. He laughed and laughed and continued to laugh at me being stuck in the nineties but from that day forward we have been Costco regulars.

I think many people assume that Costco Wholesalers are just for big families but I think that once you see the deals that Costco has to offer you will be quickly planning your next visit.  Just be aware that weekends at Costco are cray-cray and you should grab a coffee before you start shopping.

10 Things You Should Buy At Costco

Gas-Gas at Costco is insanely cheap. If you use regular gas you are looking at $.10 less a litre. We usually stop by once a week and fill up our SUV. Premium gas usually costs about the price of regular in other gas stations. Please be aware that you must have a Costco membership and either debit or Mastercard to purchase gas. Also, there can be a line-up some days so be prepared to wait up to 10 mins to get gas.

Propane-Nothing bothers me more than people going and exchanging propane tanks at the grocery stores and gas stations when you can just refill them at Costco for under $10. We now have two tanks in a rotation and you can pay for your refill at the tobacco booth by the front door of Costco.

Meat/Seafood-So most people I know can’t finish a Costco tray of meat or seafood in a sitting and Costco understands. I spend $20 on a tray of ground beef and then separate it into 6 portions. Packed flat and frozen I have a freezer full of meat AND on a budget. Also, Costco food lasts longer and tastes better than most grocery stores.

Flowers-I love the flowers at Costco and the fact that 2 dozen roses are just $24 year round makes it my go-to. I asked one of the sales associates when they get delivered and now know to grab some on Thursdays

Clothes-Costco has dedicated the center of its warehouse to clothes and you can sometimes find some real gems. I particularly like it for kids stuff and buying out of season. Currently, in February Summer stock like shorts and bathing suits are for sale.

Formula-The Kirkland brand formula from Costco comes in a 1.3 kg tub and costs $24 or $25 for lactose-free. It has the same nutritional value as the high-end formula in stores but is 1/3 the cost. Right now at the Walmart, the 600 g tub of Good Start costs $32…this almost makes me want to puke in my mouth at the amount of money that brands are charging parents to feed their babies.

Prescriptions-Personally I have never bought my meds at Costco but I have a family member that does and is very happy with their service. What I can attest to are the vitamins and supplements they have. Great prices and selection.

Pre-made Food-When I say pre-made I mean the salads, pizza, and food that has been prepped but still needs to be cooked. When we have parties and need some quick food we often grab a few trays of the marinated wings and stuffed salmon.

Food Stand-A all-beef hot dog and soft drink for $1.50 with refills…need I say more. When we are done shopping we grab the kids a slice of pizza or a hot dog before heading home. Gives me a chance to properly divide and store all of our goodies once we get home without listening to everyone tell me they’re hungry.

Electronics-There selection is great and I personally think that they put a lot of thought into what products they carry so there are no duds. We have bought many printers, tablets and even our DSLR at Costco and gotten great deals and/or bundles each time.

OTHER Tidbits


Costco allows you to buy a diamond ring and turn around and buy a pair of glasses across the warehouse. The tires centre is inexpensive and knowledgeable although it is super busy when the seasons change.

Not sure if getting a membership and paying the fees is for you? I recently learned that if you buy the Costco gift cards from other retailers they also act as a one-time membership.

For our family, Costco has become like a one-stop shop and we are benefitting from the ease of buying bulk. Once we started to separate and freeze the meat we also started to see a big dip in our grocery bills because I can fill up my freezer for $100 for a month.

Do you shop at Costco? Why or why not?

The 10 things you should be buying at Costco to save time and money

Aneta Alaei
Aneta Alaei

Aneta is a Toronto-based mom of four that loves a good meal, great company, and learning something new. In her free time, you can find her trying to keep yet another plant alive.

Find me on: Web | Twitter/X | Instagram | Facebook

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  1. Treen Goodwin
    March 21, 2016 / 12:34 pm

    wow what great bargains , wish i had a Costco , close to me , i have to drive 3 hours to the nearest one , thanks for sharing 🙂

  2. Julie
    March 22, 2016 / 9:05 am

    I had no idea Costco sold gas or propane. Great tip about the freezer bags for the giant meat trays!

  3. kathy downey
    March 22, 2016 / 4:09 pm

    Those are great prices,with everything so costly these days we really need to shop wisely.

  4. kathy downey
    June 19, 2016 / 9:37 am

    I just got to Costco last weekend and 2 carts later i have everything i need for months

  5. Debbie White Beattie
    September 7, 2017 / 1:06 am

    Yes, I love shopping at Costco because of all these reasons and deals you mentioned plus all the products and lower prices that you can’t find anywhere else

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  7. Cheryl Grandy
    June 28, 2018 / 10:48 am

    We don’t shop at Costco very often, but I know they have some great deals.