
Soup Season is Here With Happy Planet

happy planet soup season

Soup season is upon us.

Growing up we always had soup ready. It seems like soup was the perfect first course to any meal and my mom always made the best. My soup is mediocre at best compared to hers although I do have a few recipes that I feel like I have mastered.

happy planet soup season

My kids have seemed to follow in their momma’s footsteps when it comes to their love of liquid sustenance. When they get a Thermos full of soup in their lunch bags for school I always get an extra hug and kiss when they get home. Soup brings warmth and comfort and I often find myself daydreaming at the table while I slowly savour each spoonful. 

Happy Planet Makes Soup Season a Breeze

As much as I love soup I don’t always have the time or ingredients to make a fresh pot on a whim. To further complicate the process I have 6 mouths to feed and our preferences are as varied as the seasons. We recently came across fresh soups from Happy Planet (more info here) and have been devouring them with a fervour usually reserved for coffee and chocolate. With a whole range of soups boasting no preservatives, no artificial ingredients and even catering to the gluten free and vegetarians out there you will for sure find one to soothe your soul (and tummy). Made in Canada in small kettle batches in BC and Ontario you can bet that a lot of heart and soul went into each delicious bowl.

happy planet soup season

My kids are lactose intolerant and although they should stay away from dairy they do break the rules on occasion, the Chicken Pot Pie soup was one of those. Just as it sounds the soup is a creamy concoction of flavours that compliment each other yet still stand out and shine alone. Reading the ingredient list of this soup you can easily distinguish all of them, the flavours are layered and seem to pop in your mouth with each spoonful. Organic chicken from Kawartha farms, chunks of potatoes, peas and sweet corn offer you the comfort of a home cooked meal without the work.

soup season happy planet

My husband loves hot and spicy foods. Our fridge may look full of food but half of it is hot sauce we have procured from all over the world. When he saw the Korean Hot & Sour soup his eyes lit up. With the snow and cold upon us you can bet we are on the battle lines with every virus on the western hemisphere (at least the ones my kids bring home from school). This was a huge win with the man of the house thanks to the chunks of kimchi and tangy Asian flavours.  I think if I let him and didn’t demand he share he would have easily devoured all of this soup.

soup season happy planet

One of my favourite soups is tomato. I like to think that I make a mean pot but I for sure do not possess the sorcery that can manifest the delicousness that is Tomato & Grilled Cheese soup.  This creamy, gluten-free option will keep you on your toes trying to figure out they managed to get all these different flavour profiles together.

soup season happy planet

Happy Planet

I have always known Happy Planet for their smoothies but was very pleasantly surprised to learn they not only had on-the-go soups but also these larger packages of wholesome goodness. To find a local store where you can purchase some for yourself you can click here. You can also check out their website to see what other flavours could tickle your taste buds, you may find a new fave.

Happy Planet has a pretty great social media presence where they post amazing shots of delicious food and drinks, if you want to follow along you can do so on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & Instagram.

With soup season here, which flavour do you wish you could pick up on your grocers shelves?

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happy planet soup season





I am working with Happy Planet on this post. All the opinions are my own.
Aneta Alaei
Aneta Alaei

Aneta is a Toronto-based mom of four that loves a good meal, great company, and learning something new. In her free time, you can find her trying to keep yet another plant alive.

Find me on: Web | Twitter/X | Instagram | Facebook

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  1. Victoria Ess
    November 30, 2016 / 9:21 am

    I’ve never tried these before but they look delicious!

  2. kathy downey
    April 16, 2017 / 10:26 am

    I’ve never heard of these before,but i sure would love to try them they look delicious.Your kids are adorable !

  3. Shirleyp
    May 27, 2017 / 8:13 am

    I have not seen these at my local stores They look like they are chocked full of healthy food

  4. Debbie White Beattie
    October 23, 2017 / 4:31 am

    I’ve never heard of this brand of products before but I would love to know where to find them because their combinations sound so delicious and I would really like to try them

  5. Tammi L.
    October 18, 2018 / 4:05 pm

    I’ve always liked their juices but didn’t even know they made soup! I would like to try them all except maybe the hot and sour as it sounds like it might be very hot, lol. Thanks for your great descriptions!