
VTech Big Ticket Items for the 1-5 Age Group

Lights, sounds and movement. This is basically the trifecta of success when it comes to toys that intrigue and hold the attention of most kids.…

Movember: For the Love of November…

My favourite look of my husbands is when he has a beard and thankfully because he’s of Iranian descent it’s one he wears often. He…

Happiness Inc. Is for the Holidays

There was a time when “happy” is not what I considered myself. I would probably lean quite the opposite way before my husband and I…

How to Read the Nutrition Facts Table & Focus on the Facts

Last Friday I pulled the kids out of school early and we had the pleasure of visiting the Focus on the Facts booth at the…

Air Canada Foundation’s Hospital Transportation Program Needs Our Help

I want to share with you something I recently had the pleasure of finding out myself, the Air Canada Foundation (more info here) and their…

Feel Better Right Away Chicken Soup Recipe

Feel better right away chicken soup needs to be added to your sick day arsenal. This soup is a feel better right away kind of…

The Cloud of Seasonal Affective Disorder

There are some things that happen with me like clockwork and a big one is Seasonal Affective Disorder. I get SAD, literally. Although I love…

Soup Season is Here With Happy Planet

Soup season is upon us. Growing up we always had soup ready. It seems like soup was the perfect first course to any meal and…

Halloween Costume Inspiration From Netflix

Halloween is one of our favourite holidays. I passed my sweet tooth down to my kids and so now we all spend weeks getting ready…

Hockey Season: Tips & Tricks for Success On and Off the Ice

I think for those who love the cooler weather now is the perfect time to head out and explore the community. It is also the…