Advance in Your Job: What Qualities do you Need ?

Advance in Your Job: What Qualities do you Need ?

Promotions are not handed out, simply because you want them. You have to put in the work, and you have to earn them. You essentially need to act in a way that makes you “promotable” as well. If you aren’t sure how to do this or if you want to take a step toward being more professional, then this is the guide for you.

You Need to Be Good

First of all, you have to make sure that you are good at your job. If you are not carrying out your role in a way that puts you above average, then your chances of getting promoted are low. Being good at your job is simply not enough. You need to show that you are capable of taking on a bigger and better role, because if you don’t exceed expectations now, your employer may not think you’re able to handle the job at a higher level.

You Can Develop Yourself

If you are high-performing then this is great, but that doesn’t mean that you are going to be promoted. You have to show that you can move up the ladder quickly.  If your performance reviews are the same, year in and year out then you won’t be developing yourself well enough. The high-potential employee who can prove to their employer that they are excelling in the role that they have, as well as pushing themselves to improve, will always be promoted over an employee who is showing no growth. It may be that you need to move laterally to be promoted. Either way, if you can solicit feedback and you can show that you are willing to work on your weaknesses then this will help you out a lot in the long run. If you work in healthcare and want to expand, why not find success as a travel RN?

You are Easy to Work With

Being promoted doesn’t just mean that your boss thinks highly of you. You have to get the approval of the team around you as well. If you have a lot of enemies then this is a clear sign that you might be held back. If you want to help yourself then you need to get people on your side. You must be a good partner and treat everyone with respect, even if they do not show you the same courtesy. Remember, it may feel good at the moment to get frustrated with an employee or for you to blow someone off, but it is things like this that can kill your chance of being able to move up within an organization.

Go Beyond Your Daily Responsibilities 

Being promoted means you have a bigger role. The best way for you to show that you are worthy is for you to go beyond your daily responsibilities all the time. You need to be strategic about what you can do to help the organization. If you want to reap the benefits here, then understand the business you work in and the role you have. You also need to know your department and how you fit in. If you can do this, then you will soon find that you can make much more strategic decisions and that you can act in a way that showcases your professionalism.

You Say Yes

Being a “yes” person doesn’t mean that you agree with everything that everyone is saying. Sometimes disagreeing is the best way for you to help your career. Say yes when there are chances for you to expand your role. It may be that there is a group that you can sign up with or that you can take part in a new pilot. A lean team may need more members to join, and you may be the perfect fit for this. Either way, if you can say “yes” more often then this will help you to excel.

Expand your Scope

You need to prioritize everything here, but if you can take on more responsibilities or projects that lie outside your core role then this will prove to you and your boss that you are capable of taking on a bigger job. You can also build better relationships with people who work across the entire organization as well. If you need some help expanding your scope, then one thing you can do is use networking to your advantage. Sign up with services such as LinkedIn, as this gives you the chance to meet with other professionals who work in the same sector. That way you can take on way more opportunities.

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Josie Smith
Josie Smith
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