
Halloween Horrors…Tips for Surviving the Most Frightful Holiday of the Year

Halloween is one of our favourite holidays. The kids love dressing up and exploring the neighbourhood while we trick or treat. I love the snacks.…

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Vitafusion SleepWell: Get a Quality Night’s Sleep

Vitafusion SleepWell: Get a Quality Night’s Sleep

I’ve been yearning for a good, actually scratch that, great nights sleep for almost 10 years now. With a million reasons to take …
RepHresh™: Finding the Perfect Balance Down There

RepHresh™: Finding the Perfect Balance Down There

There is no way to dress up this post and make it pretty. It’s about yeast infections and how products from the …
Arm & Hammer™ Baking Soda to celebrate Canada’s 150th anniversary

Arm & Hammer™ Baking Soda to celebrate Canada’s 150th anniversary

You have been asking for more life hacks and I am so excited to share all of these from Arm & Hammer™ Baking …
Backyard Basics: Budget-Friendly Options for a New (Looking) Summer Oasis

Backyard Basics: Budget-Friendly Options for a New (Looking) Summer Oasis

This year I did not budget for new backyard basics instead, we are focusing on using what we have and making it work for …
Laundry Again: How to Love the Task Even More

Laundry Again: How to Love the Task Even More

This post is called “How to Fall In Love With Laundry Again” but I already love laundry so I am here to …
Oral Health: Results You Should Be Aware Of

Oral Health: Results You Should Be Aware Of

Oral Health. I never really paid much attention to my teeth until I got older. My husband on the other hand, has had it …
Huggies® No Baby Unhugged®: Importance of the Initiative

Huggies® No Baby Unhugged®: Importance of the Initiative

A part of me will always feel anxious when May comes around. I can’t seem to shake the feeling even almost seven …
6 Quick Cleaning Tips: Check Out These Tips

6 Quick Cleaning Tips: Check Out These Tips

It’s still Spring Cleaning time in my house as I have some things to do before the kids are done school today …