How We Got Our Kids to Make Their Own School Lunches

The kids are officially back in school and we now have 3 out of the house on most days. That means 3 times the rushed…

PLAYMOBIL Berk Play Set from How To Train Your Dragon

How To Train Your Dragon is one of those movies (times 2) and shows that appeal to kids of all ages–and even us parents. I…

Stress-Relieving Beauty Products: Getting Back Our Calm

We are in the home stretch of summer break and I for one am a mixture of totally relaxed and stressed out beyond belief. The…

Smoky Turkey Lentil Chili Recipe + Giveaway

We have been hard at work over here testing out healthy lunch and dinner recipes for when the kids go back to school. The summer…


Disclosure: This is a partnered post with JOHNSON’S®. However, all opinions and views on this post are 100% my own. Kids can be messy, but…

Tips to Keep Kid’s Backs Healthy

We never really thought of our kids’ back health until our oldest was in the hospital getting some tests done and the x-ray revealed that…

The Art of Netflix Persuasion

August has been a crazy busy month but yet we’ve had time to sit and watch our fave Netflix shows thanks to the influx of…

Trying to Conceive: Tips for Couples

When my husband and I started our family and were trying to conceive we were very lucky most of the time. Our first two kids…

Chalked Paint: From Old Table to New Desk

I knew that this year we had to make sure both of our older kids had desks to do their homework but I wanted to…

Back to School Kids Fashion and Accessories

This post contains affiliate links. One of my favourite parts of back to school is loading up the kids with new clothes and goodies. It’s…