
Best Blogs from British Columbia

Best Blogs from British Columbia

Sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure this is real life. As an 80’s baby the concept of having 24/7 access to content, information and friends all over the world still amazes me. Over the years I’ve been shamelessly loving reading about life in beautiful British Columbia and fallen more and more in love with the bloggers who share their lives so that I can indulge. It’s time I finally shared some of what I consider the best blogs from British Columbia and the bloggers behind them.

Best Blogs from British Columbia

Sparkly Shoes and Sweat Drops is the brain child of Alison Tedford. She’s funny suburban mom who often shares hilarious and relatable content.  She is passionate about mental health, physical fitness, and being a good parent. She manages to successfully co-parent after divorce and amazes me with her power to put her child first and foremost. She’s also my best friend and so you know she’s awesome. Mommy’s Weird written by Kyla Cornish was initially missed by me because I thought she was in Alberta but if you like humour, interesting recipes and a hint of star power (like the time Kyla was on the Tyra Banks show the FABLife and Tyra touched her boob) then Mommy’s Weird is where you need to head.

Best Blogs from British Columbia

Ava to Zoe is a Vancouver Based Lifestyle Blog that is a play on Janette’s two young daughters’ names. Ava To Zoe is a safe place to fall & know you’re not alone! You can expect fun recipes, honest & real reviews, travel and everything in between! Plus Janette is a photographer so her pictures are always stunning.

British Columbia Mom is a labour of love for two best friends. Tara and Helisa are funny, honest and not afraid to tackle sensitive topics. They also have a fantastic Facebook page where they manage to keep us all on our toes.

Beyond the Rhetoric is the blog of Michael Kwan, freelance writer, work-at-home dad, voracious foodie, and thinker who thinks he might be thinking too much about thinking. He thinks. And it’s not a dad bod. He prefers the term “father figure.” He’s funny, relatable and has weekly vlogs on Youtube so make sure you check him out there as well.

HeydyLopez.com is a life & style blog, documenting and showcasing Heydy’s life as a young mother to her three sweet boys, Jayden, Abel, and Isaiah. Her blog provides a brief, but very real, insight into my personal experience through teen pregnancy…without the cameras. If you love to encourage, support, and uplift mothers of any age then her blog is for you! She is also phenomenal and very active on Instagram where her stories will have you nodding your head and laughing at her outbursts. If you  keep getting restricted you may want to check out this post from Heydy Lopez –> 5 reasons why you’re being restricted on Instagram

Eschelle Westwood is the imperfect mom of mumfection.com! A corner of the internet where she shares, probably too much, about herself, kids and everything that goes with it. Throw in a dash of fun, celebrity interviews and giveaways and you have the perfect place to waste time online!

This West Coast Mommy is a parenting and lifestyle blog based in Vancouver, Canada. They cover parenting, ways to live a greener life, paleo and gluten-free recipes, child and family-friendly brands, family travel, and local arts and entertainment. She is one of the first blogs I started reading and her content really helped me to navigate cloth diapers and the green lifestyle.

Hillary with two Ls (please) shares the best recipes and meal plans on her blog. She is so funny and has the most amazing kids that literally have me laughing out loud. To enjoy her at her best make sure you check her out on Instagram and constantly refresh to see if she posted new stories. Whether you’re looking for quick-and-easy meals to fill the space between your evening commute and bedtime, baked goods to make your carb-loving heart swoon, or fresh-pressed juices to satisfy your inner hippie, she’s got you covered. A graphic designer by trade Codi Lynn started her blog, Creative Wife and Joyful Worker as a way to connect with fellow entrepreneurs. As she started sharing more about her daily life and style as a mom it has grown into a successful platform that connects with and encourages moms across the globe.

Moments in Mommyland was also one of the first blogs I read. Carolyn is living her best life on four beautiful acres of land in her dream home. She has three kids, two dogs, chickens now and who knows what in the future. She’s a homeschooling mama who also writes about her faith. She keeps us up to date on her life with her Instagram stories so make sure you follow her there too.

Discovering Parenthood Tamara shares about life as she knows it since becoming a parent on Discovering Parenthood. From daily life as a mom to two girls, her battle with PPD, and her husband’s journey currently through cancer. You’ll find lots of what they get up to as a family!

The Koala Blog follows Bonnie and her life as a Canadian Catholic mom with five children under ten. She often feels like a koala, with one or more kids hanging off her and writes about travel, parenting, homeschooling, books she’s reading and her faith. The The Joy of Style believes getting dressed should be easy and enjoyable. The Joy of Style real-life approach forgoes the fashionista in favour of focusing on helping you feel current and confident in clothes that suit your life. Style is for EVERY body and every age. 

Our Happy Place is written by the lovely Kat Petrunia and has lots of great recipes, DIYs, style, home and garden + the most amazing party ideas. She has an eye for pretty things and shares how to add little bits of beauty in our own lives.

Little Miss Mama brings me JOY. She is funny and creative and pours her soul into her weekly vlogs (check them out here). She also talks about fashion, parenting her two girls, cooking, DIYs, gardening and everything in between. Plus she has the most amazing hair in the world. Like #1 Hair Award goes to her.

One Smiley Monkey is written by the lovely Angela. She is another blogger that I feel like I have been reading for years and she focuses on parenting, travel, products to make your life easier and home decor. 

3 Chickens and a Boat is a blog that you need to read if you are needing the inspiration to do big things in your life, to be a good person, and to parent tweens. Plus there is lots of chicken content to keep you happy and dreaming of days when your district allows backyard hens.

One Crazy Kid is a lifestyle and parenting blog that deals with all aspects of life – being a mum, navigating the ever-changing road that is parenting, and not losing yourself along the way. You can expect humour, openness and honesty about the good, the bad, and everything in between.

Loving Littles Blog is dedicated to the modern mom where you can find everything from DIY’s, recipes, parties, family travels, mom life and more. Started as an outlet after Keisha’s daughter and her journey through PPA. Meet new moms and travel this road together!

Best Blogs from British Columbia

Mama in the City: Living as a family of five in downtown Vancouver, Andrea writes about thriving with kids in the concrete jungle with a focus on small space living. You can find Andrea trekking from one side of the city to the next with her three kids in tow, rain or shine, usually with a coffee in hand. Andrea also shares passionately about her work as a labour and delivery RN and sometimes meets her blog readers in the delivery room!

Best Blogs from British Columbia

Stacey Robinsmith is a dad in the burbs and blogs about life in the suburbs of his city with a particular focus on restaurants as well as the food he cooks and eats. He also writes about interesting community experiences including the theatre experiences they enjoy. Best Blogs from British Columbia

Did I miss any fantastic bloggers or blogs from British Columbia? If you know any let me know below so I can add to my list of best blogs from British Columbia.

Aneta Alaei
Aneta Alaei

Aneta is a Toronto-based mom of four that loves a good meal, great company, and learning something new. In her free time, you can find her trying to keep yet another plant alive.

Find me on: Web | Twitter/X | Instagram | Facebook

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  1. LisaM
    April 20, 2018 / 7:52 am

    What a great line up to discover!

  2. kristen visser
    May 7, 2018 / 8:05 am

    such a great line up of blogs!!! I follow most of them but there are a few I will still need to check out 🙂 Thank you for sharing hun

  3. Treen Goodwin
    May 8, 2018 / 9:34 am

    Very cool thanks for sharing , i will def be checking them out 🙂

  4. kathy downey
    May 8, 2018 / 11:42 am

    Thanks for sharing I see a few new ones will have to check them out soon !

  5. kathy downey
    May 18, 2018 / 10:44 am

    I joined Ava to Zoe what a neat page,thanks for the introduction!

  6. Debbie White Beattie
    June 10, 2018 / 10:58 pm

    I can’t believe how many blogs are out there today and there was no such thing a few years ago but I guess it’s especially great for parents who are either stay at home parents or for people who just do it for personal reasons.
    Good luck to all !

  7. Sarah
    June 22, 2018 / 3:15 pm

    I love reading blogs from BC because it is so beautiful there! I read a lot of these and am excited to discover the others you have listed 🙂

  8. Erin N
    June 28, 2018 / 4:00 pm

    Cool! I’m surprised I just read this today.. I didn’t know a lot of these blogs were based in my homeland – British Columbia! Very cool. Thank you!

  9. Nate
    September 29, 2018 / 6:02 pm

    Thanks for sharing all the great blogs

  10. Tara Gauthier
    May 9, 2019 / 3:38 pm

    Thanks for the great list! I only had previously heard about half of these blogs so it’s great to have some new ones to check out.

  11. Calvin
    December 6, 2019 / 9:41 pm

    Great to know, I knew a few from the start, but now some more.

  12. mrdisco
    December 25, 2019 / 12:16 pm

    can’t wait till i go to BC

  13. July 2, 2020 / 9:04 pm

    I definitely checked some of these blogs out! thanks for sharing!

  14. Miguel Serrano
    December 11, 2020 / 12:40 am

    In my eyes Vancouver is awesome

  15. December 12, 2020 / 12:20 pm

    I love Three Chickens and a Boat as well.