
90s Candy Throwback: Sweet Memories of Your Childhood

90s Candy Throwback: Sweet Memories of Your Childhood

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Growing up in the 90s, we were engulfed with amazing TV shows, legendary fads and a ’90s candy selection that made our tastebuds do the Macarena! With their eye-popping wrappers and sugar highs galore, 90s candies were the ultimate childhood rite of passage and a sugary time capsule for grown-ups. It’s time to dust off those slap bracelets, charge up your Tamagotchi, and take the plunge into candy-coated nostalgia with some of our favorite sweet delights that helped shape our youth all while divulging the secrets of where to snag them today. 

Four 90s Candies to Relive Your Childhood

Ring Pops: Before Beyonce told everyone if they liked it they should’ve put a ring on it, us 90s kids already knew. We felt like royalty with those huge flavor jewels perched on our fingers. NKOTB pumping on the boomboxes, concerts for our parents with our cousins so we could have sleepovers, and just us vibing hard off of the sweetness of our childhood.

Dunkaroos: You just know when you opened your lunch box and saw that Dunkaroos package it was about to get crunk. The ultimate snack that combined the thrill of cookie dunking with frosting that could make any dessert lover swoon. Just imagine: a lunchbox filled with these delightful treats alongside trading cards and pogs—pure bliss! The taste transported us to a playground of flavor where every dip was a mini celebration. Want to embark on this sugary adventure again? Get yours here.

Toxic Waste: Toxic Waste was the candy equivalent of a rollercoaster—thrilling, outrageous, and possibly hazardous to your taste buds! With its neon colors and jaw-puckering sourness, it dared us to test our limits while trading stories of who could handle the most. This candy was not just a treat; it was a rite of passage that came with an exhilarating challenge. Picture it: gathering around in the schoolyard, bravely munching on these gooey delights while debating whether *Friends* or *The Fresh Prince* reigned supreme. And if you’re itching for that wild ride again, click here for your fix!

Everlasting Gobstoppers: Everlasting Gobstoppers were the candy that promised endless enjoyment, much like our beloved Saturday morning cartoons. These colorful delights defied time itself, with layers of sweetness that seemed to last longer than a Spice Girls song on repeat! It was a sugary social currency. So if you’re ready to once again embrace those vibrant hues and flavors, you can snag these timeless treats here, BOOYAH.

I think it’s fair to say that we’re all more than happy to indulge in some sugar-laden joy circa the 90s. These treats were more than just snacks, they were part of our childhood identity. They went hand-in-hand with Furbies, Trolls, and Full House. So grab your favorite candy and let the nostalgia flow; after all, life is too short to skip dessert!


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Aneta Alaei
Aneta Alaei

Aneta is a Toronto-based mom of four that loves a good meal, great company, and learning something new. In her free time, you can find her trying to keep yet another plant alive.

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