5 Tips for All New Moms: It’s So Worth the Sleepless Nights


Welcome to Parenting 101. It’s a hands-on lesson where you fall in love at first sight, don’t get a good night’s sleep in years and discover a new appreciation for coffee. But it’s so worth it, I promise.

5 Tips for All New Moms

I say this is for new moms but I think it’s fair to say this advice is a gentle reminder for ALL moms.

Trust Your Gut. You are the parent and that is your baby. You know what is best for them and if something does not feel right, don’t do it. I didn’t learn to trust my own instincts until I had baby number 3 and by that time I had already made parenting decisions I wasn’t fully behind. Choose the route that lets you sleep better best at night.

Read Up (but don’t believe everything you read). With my first born I read ‘What to Expect When You’re Expecting’ and treated it as my parenting bible. I wish I had not. Read many different books, articles and blog posts to be able to make informed decisions. In order to fully trust your gut you need to be informed.

Find Your Tribe. Find yourself a (non-judgemental) mom friend or two that will support you in your choices and will be real with you when maybe you aren’t making the best ones. My mom tribe is both local and world-wide thanks to the internet.

These women listen to me cry when I feel like a failure as a mom, they lift me up when I am second-guessing my decisions, and bring me back down when I am getting a bit too cocky. You can never be too cocky as a parent; the kids can sense it and will throw something your way to remind you, you are human.

Spoil Your Kids. Spoil them with love. Spoil them with attention. Spoil them with hugs and kisses. Spoil them with a patience that sees no bounds. Spoil them memories. Spoil them with a joy. But don’t spoil them with stuff. Not if you can’t also spoil them with the items I mentioned first.

Don’t Worry So Much. When my first was born I worried all the time. ALL THE TIME. There was one week where we took him to the Emergency Department at Sick Kids Hospital 3 times in less than a week. You would never think that was the type of mother I was just 8 years ago if you saw me with my kids now.

It was when I stopped worrying about everything that could go wrong that I started seeing all that was going right. Be strong mamas, you’ve got this!

Getting an Extra Helping Hand from PediaVit

Now that you’re feeling better about your parenting journey here’s a tip for helping your LO be healthy and strong. Follow your pediatrician’s advice and give your breastfed baby vitamin D3 supplements from birth to at least their first birthday, or until their diet includes at least 400 IU (10 mcg) of vitamin D from other sources.

 Vitamin D3 helps the body absorb and use calcium and phosphorus for strong bones and teeth. It’s not commonly found in food although it is added to some (milk, margarine, and fortified orange juice are some).

Using a supplement like PediavitTM D3 is an easy way to prevent all that. It’s as easy as one small drop daily on your finger or nipple and baby can suck to get its portioned daily dose.

You can find out more on PediavitTM D3 here or check out the whole line of PediaVit supplements for kids 0-3 here.

Make sure this product is right for your baby. Always read and follow label instructions.

Disclosure: This post is in partnership with PediaVit. All opinions are my own and you should always read and follow label instructions.
Aneta Alaei
Aneta Alaei

Aneta is a Toronto-based mom of four that loves a good meal, great company, and learning something new. In her free time, you can find her trying to keep yet another plant alive.

Find me on: Web | Twitter/X | Instagram | Facebook

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  1. Angela v
    November 1, 2017 / 3:33 pm

    Wonderful tips, and I love the photos of you and baby! <3

  2. nicolthepickle
    November 2, 2017 / 6:35 am

    I know what you mean about the worrying. I think it’s something you have to learn for yourself though.

  3. Judy Cowan
    November 2, 2017 / 11:08 am

    Some great tips and I think trusting your gut is a very important one.

  4. November 2, 2017 / 11:59 am

    It seems like a lifetime ago for me now, but your post sure brought me back. Great tips too xo

  5. Lynda Cook
    November 2, 2017 / 12:10 pm

    Awww sweet pictures! I totally agree with trust your gut, only you as the mother will know what is right for your child, all children are different and not the same!!

  6. November 3, 2017 / 1:03 am

    FIND your tribe <3 So important!

  7. Leslie C
    November 4, 2017 / 3:55 am

    Great tips…especially the “Trust your gut”

  8. Elizabeth Matthiesen
    November 4, 2017 / 11:36 pm

    You always worry about your kids and most with your first. I remember the horror when I awoke later than usual one morning and shot out of bed only to find my son sleeping peacefully in his crib! The first night that he slept through and he’d scared me terribly. These are great tips and you learn a lot as you travel the path of motherhood.

  9. Elizabeth Matthiesen
    November 7, 2017 / 9:20 pm

    It’s important for baby’s to get Vitamin D, even 40 yrs ago my babies got a daily dose of Vitamin D, isn’t that normal here in Canada?

  10. Darlene Schuller
    January 3, 2018 / 8:59 am

    Motherhood can be overwhelming especially the 1st time around. Love these tips… thanks for sharing

  11. kathy downey
    June 21, 2018 / 2:14 pm

    Vit D is so very important for overall health