Learning to Cope When Life Gets Too Much

Learning to Cope When Life Gets Too Much

It’s strange that, in a world with better technology and social understanding, life seems harder and more stressful than ever before. Whether it’s because you’ve had a difficult week where everything piles on, or because everyday life just seems relentless, you might reach the point where it feels like too much.

This can present differently for different people. You might get burnt out, where you’re physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausted. You might end up very stressed and highly strung, or you might feel numb to it all.

Here’s the thing. You’re not alone. Not only that, but there are ways that you can cope.

Talk to Someone

One of the worst things you can do for your mental health is to isolate yourself. Everyone needs people, even introverts. There’s a reason babies only thrive when they’re held and hugged often, it’s an actual human need to have social contact.

Whether you want to socialize as a distraction or a way to talk about what’s going on, the important thing is to find someone you trust and that you like. This might be a friend or a family member, or in some cases, a mental health professional.

By talking through your problems, they can seem more manageable. Even if all someone can do is listen, you feel less alone and more heard. Sometimes people can do more than listen, but they can help in practical ways. People don’t always know you need help unless you tell them.

Work Out

Believe it or not, working out can actually help with your mental health. While it might just seem like another task on an overloaded day, physical exercise can be a gift.

First, pick a workout that you enjoy and that you have time for. Walking or cycling in nature is a great idea, because it doesn’t just exercise your body, but it gets you outside which has even more benefits. But any exercise will work well.

By exercising, you are taking control of something. You’re working towards goals and you’re improving your physical health. You’re also giving yourself an outlet. This is why some people might exercise harder when they’re struggling emotionally, it’s a kind of therapy.

Sleep Better

One of the worst things about poor mental health and stressful times is that they can massively impact your sleep. Unfortunately, poor sleep has a knock-on effect on your mental health, as you feel even worse and can struggle even more.

If you’re struggling to get some well-needed sleep, there are solutions. CBD edibles can be incredibly helpful for sleep problems as well as stress in general, allowing you to finally rest and get some relief.

You can also try other supplements like herbal teas. A good sleep schedule is a great idea, as it helps your body get used to the right time to sleep. You should also try to sleep in a cool, dark room for a set amount of time each night.

Josie Smith
Josie Smith
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