
Fall Beauty Picks From Shoppers Drug Mart: Must-Haves

Changing seasons do horrible things to my skin and hair. H.O.R.R.I.B.L.E. They become dry and completely unmanageable. I break out and today my husband asked…

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The Dreaded Massage and How I Stopped Giving It

The Dreaded Massage and How I Stopped Giving It

“Can you massage me?” This sentence literally makes me want to turn and run. My hands are small and not nearly strong …
Underwear Training is the New Potty Training

Underwear Training is the New Potty Training

One step forward and two steps back.   That seems to be our potty training story with Aria and she is not to blame, …
Lampe Berger: 3 Steps to Get Your Home from Disaster to Doable

Lampe Berger: 3 Steps to Get Your Home from Disaster to Doable

Housekeeping is not my strong suit but I am making an effort to keep up with it. Working from home you would think that …
National Coffee Day is Around the Corner

National Coffee Day is Around the Corner

Coffee, that is life. I didn’t always drink coffee. I started in college in 2009 drinking extra large 4×4 with a shot of …
Schick® Intuition® Razor Rate & Review Program

Schick® Intuition® Razor Rate & Review Program

Tis the season for PSLs, tights, and warm knits. It’s also the time I stop shaving because short season is so last …
Halifax Boardwalk: Full of Amazing Places to Visit

Halifax Boardwalk: Full of Amazing Places to Visit

Being as Halifax is located on the water you can bet we spent most of our time exploring the boardwalk. After breakfast, we would …
Halifax, Nova Scotia: Pier 21 and the Canadian Museum of Immigration

Halifax, Nova Scotia: Pier 21 and the Canadian Museum of Immigration

Part two of our Halifax trip has to be about Pier 21. I have spent the past couple of weeks trying to absorb everything that&…
Change Your Car Cabin Air Filter: It’s So Simple

Change Your Car Cabin Air Filter: It’s So Simple

My truck stinks and no matter how clean we got it we still couldn’t get to the bottom of the “smell&…
Why I Refuse to Make Homemade School Snacks

Why I Refuse to Make Homemade School Snacks

Last year I fell into a dangerous and life-consuming rut, I tried to Betty Crocker my way into my kid’s hearts and …