
Road Trips, Motion Sickness, and the Quest to Not Hurt

motion sickness

March Break is the point in the school year where I am reminded that we are almost done. It not only gives me a chance to get a crash course on how Summer will be with the kids all home but it’s a great time for us to do some of the day trips closer to home while we have time together.

When we were a family of four we used to take these on-a-whim road trips that meant strapping the kids into the car and driving to Montreal for the weekend. We would rent off-season cottages by Mont Tremblent to explore and whisk of to Niagara Falls for impromptu water park adventures. It’s a bit harder now to get away, not just because there are 6 of us and a 100lb dog that needs to be watched, but because my kids have now become masters of motion sickness and unless the windows are all open they all projectile vomit on themselves, the car, and anything within a few feet. It really takes the fun out of road trips.

As much as some people love taking vacations I find they drain me in a way that makes me want to have a vacation after the said vacation. Lots of extra walking and exploring, long rides where I am just sitting in the car make me hurt.

There is a solution.

Road Trips, Motion Sickness, and the Quest to Not Hurt

March Break always feels like a whirlwind. Whether we go somewhere sunny, or have a staycation doing activities with the family, everyone is always a little exhausted when the week is over! Since we don’t always have time to recover before the next week starts and we have to be back in action at school and work, I make sure I have a couple of revival tricks up my sleeve for us to feel our best.

motion sickness

Other than helping my kids get as much rest as possible, GRAVOL Kids™ Dye Free Quick Dissolve Chewables come in very handy when one of my little ones is feeling woozy during or after an active week. They help prevent and treat nausea, vomiting and dizziness from motion sickness, so I like to keep an 18-count pack in my purse in case one of the kids gets car sick, feels nauseous on plane rides or eats too much when we’re out for dinner. Sometimes half a chewable is all they need to get back to enjoying the day, but if they’re really not feeling well, I can give them one tablet every six to eight hours as needed. Dosing amounts can vary by age group, so I read the dosage instructions carefully to figure out what’s best for my little ones.  These chewables have a yummy orange flavour (that taste way better than what I had when I was a kid!) and dissolve so quickly that your kid likely won’t even ask for water. Gravol is essential when we’re on the go and when we’re on the mend — my kids and I actually love them!

I don’t know about you, but when I finally sit down after a busy week of fun with the kids, my muscles feel so achy! Like most moms, I don’t usually have a lot of time to relax, so I rely on RUB A535™ Anti-Inflammatory Cream with Arnica for quick relief. I put it right on the spot where my sore muscle is, or where I’m having joint pain, and it works so fast! I love anything that starts to work instantly so that I can get back to taking care of my family. It’s not greasy like some other products and I don’t have to worry about it staining my clothes. I like to keep one at home and one in my gym bag in case I need it after a work-out or on-the-go!

What do you use for fast recovery after a busy week of fun?

If you are looking for road trip essentials when travelling with kids check out my friend Heydy’s post here.

I am a Church and Dwight Blogger and as such I receive compensation for these posts. All opinions are my own.
Aneta Alaei
Aneta Alaei

Aneta is a Toronto-based mom of four that loves a good meal, great company, and learning something new. In her free time, you can find her trying to keep yet another plant alive.

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